2023-2024 Surry Community College Catalog 
    Mar 02, 2025  
2023-2024 Surry Community College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Comprehensive Articulation Agreement

Transfer Course List

ACA 122   College Transfer Success AA and AS requirement
ACC 120   Principles of Financial Accounting Pre-Major/Elective
ACC 121   Principles of Managerial Pre-Major/Elective Accounting Pre-Major/Elective
ANT 210   General Anthropology GEN ED: Social/Behavioral Sciences
ART 111   Art Appreciation UGETC: Humanities/Fine Arts (AA/AS)
ART 114   Art History Survey I UGETC: Humanities/Fine Arts (AA/AS)
ART 115   Art History Survey II UGETC: Humanities/Fine Arts (AA/AS)
ART 116   Survey of American Art W GEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts
ART 121   Two-Dimensional Design Pre-Major/Elective
ART 122   Three-Dimensional Design Pre-Major/Elective
ART 131   Drawing I Pre-Major/Elective
ART 132   Drawing II Pre-Major/Elective
ART 140   Basic Painting Pre-Major/Elective
ART 214   Portfolio and Resume Pre-Major/Elective
ART 215   Visual Art Portfolio Pre-Major/Elective
ART 240   Painting I Pre-Major/Elective
ART 241   Painting II Pre-Major/Elective
ART 244   Watercolor Pre-Major/Elective
ART 264   Digital Photography I Pre-Major/Elective
ART 281   Sculpture I Pre-Major/Elective
ART 283   Ceramics I Pre-Major/Elective
ART 284   Ceramics II Pre-Major/Elective
ART 285   Ceramics III Pre-Major/Elective
ART 286   Ceramics IV Pre-Major/Elective
BIO 110   Principles of Biology UGETC: Natural Sciences (AA/AS)
BIO 111   General Biology I UGETC: Natural Sciences (AA/AS)
BIO 112   General Biology II UGETC: Natural Sciences (AS)
BIO 120   Introductory Botany GEN ED: Natural Sciences
BIO 130   Introductory Zoology GEN ED: Natural Sciences
BIO 140   Environmental Biology GEN ED: Natural Sciences
BIO 140A   Environmental Biology Lab GEN ED: Natural Sciences
BIO 143   Field Biology Mini-course Pre-Major/Elective
BIO 145   Ecology Pre-Major/Elective
BIO 146   Regional Natural History Pre-Major/Elective
BIO 155   Nutrition Pre-Major/Elective
BIO 163   Basic Anatomy & Physiology Pre-Major/Elective
BIO 168   Anatomy and Physiology I Pre-Major/Elective
BIO 169   Anatomy and Physiology II Pre-Major/Elective
BIO 250   Genetics Pre-Major/Elective
BIO 275   Microbiology Pre-Major/Elective
BUS 110   Introduction to Business Pre-Major/Elective
BUS 115   Business Law I Pre-Major/Elective
BUS 137   Principles of Management Pre-Major/Elective
CHM 131   Introduction to Chemistry GEN ED: Natural Sciences
CHM 131A   Introduction to Chemistry Lab GEN ED: Natural Sciences
CHM 132   Organic and Biochemistry GEN ED: Natural Sciences
CHM 151   General Chemistry I UGETC: Natural Sciences (AA/AS)
CHM 152   General Chemistry II UGETC: Natural Sciences (AS)
CHM 251   Organic Chemistry I Pre-Major/Elective
CHM 252   Organic Chemistry II Pre-Major/Elective
CIS 110   Introduction to Computers GED ED
CJC 111   Introduction to Criminal Justice Pre-Major/Elective
CJC 113   Juvenile Justice Pre-Major/Elective
CJC 121   Law Enforcement Operations Pre-Major/Elective
CJC 141   Corrections Pre-Major/Elective
CJC 212   Ethics & Community Relations Pre-Major/Elective
COM 231   Public Speakingw UGETC: Communications (AA/AS)
CSC 134   C++ Programming Pre-Major/Elective
CSC 139   Visual BASIC Programming Pre-Major/Elective
CSC 151   JAVA Programming Pre-Major/Elective
CSC 239   Advanced Visual BASIC Programming Pre-Major/Elective
DRA 111   Theatre Appreciation GEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts
DRA 126   Storytelling GEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts
ECO 151   Survey of Economics GEN ED: Social/Behavioral Sciences
ECO 251   Principles of Microeconomics UGETC: Social/Behavioral Sciences (AA/AS)
ECO 252   Principles of Macroeconomics UGETC: Social/Behavioral Sciences (AA/AS)
EDU 144   Child Development I Pre-Major/Elective
EDU 145   Child Development II Pre-Major/Elective
EDU 216   Foundations of Education Pre-Major/Elective
EDU 221   Children with Exceptionalities Pre-Major/Elective
EGR 150   Intro to Engineering Pre-Major/Elective
ENG 111   Writing and Inquiry UGETC: English Composition (AA/AS)
ENG 112   Writing and Research in the Disciplines UGETC: English Composition (AA/AS)
ENG 113   Literature-Based Research GEN ED: English Composition
ENG 114   Professional Research and Reporting GEN ED: English Composition
ENG 125   Creative Writing I Pre-Major/Elective
ENG 126   Creative Writing II Pre-Major/Elective
ENG 131   Introduction to Literature GEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts
ENG 231   American Literature IW UGETC: Humanities/Fine Arts (AA/AS)
ENG 232   American Literature IIW UGETC: Humanities/Fine Arts (AA/AS)
ENG 241   British Literature IW UGETC: Humanities/Fine Arts (AA/AS)
ENG 242   British Literature IIW UGETC: Humanities/Fine Arts (AA/AS)
ENG 261   World Literature I GEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts
ENG 262   World Literature II GEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts
ENG 272   Southern Literature Pre-Major/Elective
GEO 111   World Regional Geography GED ED: Social/Behavioral Sciences
HEA 110   Personal Health and Wellness Pre-Major/Elective
HIS 111   World Civilizations I UGETC: Social/Behavioral Sciences (AA/AS)
HIS 112   World Civilizations IIW UGETC: Social/Behavioral Sciences (AA/AS)
HIS 131   American History I UGETC: Social/Behavioral Sciences (AA/AS)
HIS 132   American History II UGETC: Social/Behavioral Sciences (AA/AS)
HIS 145   The Second World War Pre-Major/Elective
HIS 163   The World Since 1945 Pre-Major/Elective
HIS 221   African-American History Pre-Major/Elective
HIS 226   The Civil War Pre-Major/Elective
HIS 227   Native American History Pre-Major/Elective
HIS 237   The American Revolution Pre-Major/Elective
HIS 262   Middle East History Pre-Major/Elective
HUM 110   Technology and Society GEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts
HUM 115   Critical Thinking GEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts
HUM 120   Cultural Studies GEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts
HUM 122   Southern Culture GEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts
HUM 123   Appalachian Culture Pre-Major/Elective
HUM 130   Myth in Human Culture GEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts
HUM 180   Internat Cultural Explor Pre-Major/Elective
HUM 220   Human Values and Meaning GEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts
HUM 230   Leadership Development Pre-Major/Elective
JOU 110   Intro to Journalism Pre-Major/Elective
MAT 143   Quantitative Literacy UGETC: Mathematics (AA)
MAT 152   Statistical Methods I UGETC: Mathematics (AA)
MAT 171   Pre-calculus Algebra UGETC: Mathematics (AA/AS)
MAT 172   Pre-calculus Trigonometry UGETC: Mathematics (AA)
MAT 263   Brief Calculus UGETC: Mathematics (AA)
MAT 271   Calculus I UGETC: Mathematics (AA)
MAT 272   Calculus II UGETC: Mathematics (AA)
MAT 273   Calculus III GEN ED: Mathematics
MAT 280   Linear Algebra Pre-Major/Elective
MAT 285   Differential Equations Pre-Major/Elective
MUS 110   Music Appreciation UGETC: Humanities/Fine Arts (AA/AS)
MUS 112   Introduction to Jazz UGETC: Humanities/Fine Arts (AA/AS)
MUS 210   History of Rock & Roll GEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts
PED All PED courses Pre-Major/Elective
PHI 240   Introduction to Ethics UGETC: Humanities/Fine Arts (AA/AS)
PHY 110   Conceptual Physics UGETC: Natural Sciences (AA)
PHY 110A   Conceptual Physics Lab UGETC: Natural Sciences (AA)
PHY 151   College Physics I UGETC: Natural Sciences (AS)
PHY 152   College Physics II UGETC: Natural Sciences (AS)
PHY 251   General Physics I UGETC: Natural Sciences (AS)
PHY 252   General Physics II UGETC: Natural Sciences (AS)
POL 120   American Government UGETC: Social/Behavioral Sciences (AA/AS)
PSY 150   General Psychology UGETC: Social/Behavioral Sciences (AA/AS)
PSY 231   Forensic Psychology Pre-Major/Elective
PSY 239   Psychology of Personality GEN ED: Social/Behavioral Sciences
PSY 241   Developmental Psychology GEN ED: Social/Behavioral Sciences
PSY 243   Child Psychology Pre-Major/Elective
PSY 263   Educational Psychology Pre-Major/Elective
PSY 281   Abnormal Psychology GEN ED: Social/Behavioral Sciences
REL 110   World Religions GEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts
REL 211   Introduction to Old Testament GEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts
REL 212   Introduction to New Testament GEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts
REL 221   Religion in America GEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts
SOC 210   Introduction to Sociology UGETC: Social/Behavioral Sciences (AA/AS)
SOC 213   Sociology of the Family GEN ED: Social/Behavioral Sciences
SOC 220   Social Problems GEN ED: Social/Behavioral Sciences
SOC 225   Social Diversity Pre-Major/Elective
SOC 230   Race and Ethnic Relations GEN ED: Social/Behavioral Sciences
SOC 234   Sociology of Gender Pre-Major/Elective
SOC 244   Sociology of Death & Dying Pre-Major/Elective
SPA 111   Elementary Spanish I GEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts
SPA 112   Elementary Spanish II GEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts
SPA 141   Culture and Civilization Pre-Major/Elective
SPA 211   Intermediate Spanish I GEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts
SPA 212   Intermediate Spanish II GEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts
SPA 221   Spanish Conversation Pre-Major/Elective
SPA 231   Reading and Composition Pre-Major/Elective