2023-2024 Surry Community College Catalog 
    Mar 03, 2025  
2023-2024 Surry Community College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Basic Law Enforcement Workforce Career Certificate

Course Description

This course is accredited by the North Carolina Criminal Justice Training and Standards Commission and the North Carolina Sheriff’s Commission. Persons desiring to become a sworn law enforcement officer in the State of North Carolina must successfully complete this course and pass a State administered examination at the end of the course. To qualify for admission an individual must meet the requirements mandate by the North Carolina Department of Justice found online at: https://www.facebook.com/surryblet.

Program Learning Outcomes

BLET students will:

  • Investigate violations of law
  • Provide assistance in request for service
  • Apprehend suspects
  • Execute legal searches and seizures
  • Prepare cases for court presentation
  • Learn the proper applications of civil, criminal, and juvenile law

Employment Opportunities: Upon completion of this course and successful completion of the comprehensive State examination, individuals should be able to apply for positions in both State, County, and local law enforcement agencies.

Instructional Format

Face-to-Face instruction will include lecture, lab, discussion, and practical exercises.


Jim McHone, Director
Email: mchonej@surry.edu
Phone: (336) 386-3696

Barry Vanhoy
Email: vanhoyb@surry.edu
Phone: (336) 386-3696

Basic Law Enforcement Training (BLET)

  • *

  • Cost does not include associated books, tools, and supplies
    Virginia residents pay the same tuition rate as in-state students

    * Tuition waived if employed with either Law Enforcement Agency, EMS, or First Responder Group.

    *Students successfully completing a Basic Law Enforcement Training (BLET) course accredited by the North Carolina Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission and the North Carolina Sheriffs’ Education and Training Standards Commission will receive credit for CJC 111 , CJC 113 , CJC 131 , CJC 132 , CJC 221 , and CJC 231  toward the Associate in Applied Science degree in Criminal Justice Technology . Students must have successfully passed the Commissions’ comprehensive certification examination. Students must have completed Basic Law Enforcement Training since 1985.


  • Certification Testing:
    North Carolina Criminal Justice Training and Standards


  • Additional testing information: www.ncdoj.gov