2023-2024 Surry Community College Catalog 
    Mar 13, 2025  
2023-2024 Surry Community College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

College Tech Prep Articulation

Through the statewide College Tech Prep Articulation agreement among high schools and community colleges and efforts of Surry Community College, Yadkin and Surry County Schools, Elkin and Mt. Airy City Schools, students entering Surry Community College may receive college credit for a number of Career-Technical courses completed in high school. The current SCC College Tech Prep Articulation Agreement is shown below:

Surry Community College
Tech Prep Articulation Agreement
Updated November 2021

HS Program Area HS Course Number HS Course Title CC Course Number CC Course Title
Agricultural Education AS32 Agricultural Mechanics II WLD 112  or AGR 111   Basic Welding Processes   or Basic Farm Maintenance   
Agricultural Education AA22 Animal Science II ANS 110   Animal Science   
Business and Information Technology Education BD12 E-Commerce I WEB 210   Web Design  
Business and Information Technology Education BP12 Computer Programming II CSC 153   C# Programming  
Business and Information Technology Education BM10, BM20 Microsoft Word and Power Point, and Excel and Access with MOS Certification in both OST 137   Office Applications I  
Business and Information Technology Education BM20 Microsoft Excel and Access CTS 130   Spreadsheet  
Business and Information Technology Education BN20 Network Administration I CTI 120  or NOS 110  OR SEC 110   Network and Security Foundation  OR Operating Systems Concepts   OR Security Concepts    
Business and Information Technology Education MU92 or MH31 and MH32 Strategic Marketing OR Sports and Entertainment Marketing I AND Sports and Entertainment Marketing II MKT 120   Principles of Marketing  
Family and Consumer Science Education FE11 & FE12 Early Childhood Education I & Early Childhood Education II EDU 119   Introduction to Early Childhood Education  
Health Science Education HU40 Health Science I MED 121  & MED 122   Medical Terminology I  & Medical Terminology II   
Health Science Education HN43 Nursing Fundamentals NAS 101   Nurse Aide I  
Marketing Education ME11 Entrepreneurship I BUS 139   Entrepreneurship I  
Marketing Education MM51 Marketing MKT 120   Principles of Marketing  
Technology Engineering & Design Education TE22 Principles of Technology II PHY 131   Physics-Mechanics  
Trade and Industrial Education IC21 Carpentry I CAR 110   Introduction to Carpentry  
Trade and Industrial Education IC21 & IC22

Carpentry I & Carpentry II

CAR 111   Carpentry I  
Trade and Industrial Education II21 Computer Engineering Technology I CTS 120   Hardware/Software Support  
Trade and Industrial Education II22 Computer Engineering Technology II CTS 220 Adv. Hard/Software Support (Must receive credit for CTS 120  prior to receiving credit for CTS-220)
Trade and Industrial Education II21 & II22 Graphics I and Graphics II DME 115   Graphic Design Tools  
Trade and Industrial Education II31 Adobe Visual Design DME 115   Graphic Design Tools  
Trade and Industrial Education IA32 Advanced Digital Media DME 115  OR DME 120   Graphic Design Tools  & Introduction to Multimedia Applications    
Trade and Industrial Education IC61 OR TE11 Drafting I OR Technology & Engr. Design DFT 111  & DFT 111A   Technical Drafting I  & Technical Drafting I Lab   
Trade and Industrial Education IC61 & IV22 OR TP11 Drafting I & Drafting II - Engineering or Introduction to Engineering Design DFT 151   CAD I  
Trade and Industrial Education IV23 Drafting III - Engineering DFT 112  & DFT 112A   Technical Drafting II  & Technical Drafting II Lab  (Must receive credit for DFT 111   prior to receiving credit for DFT 112  
Trade and Industrial Education IM31 & IM32 Electronics I & Electronics II ELC 112   DC/AC Electricity  
Trade and Industrial Education IC41 & IC42 Electrical Trades I & Electrical Trades II ELC 113   Residential Wiring I  
Trade and Industrial Education IM34 Electronics IV ELN 131   Analog Electronics I  
Trade and Industrial Education TP12 Principles of Engineering MNT 110   Introduction to Maintenance Procedures  
Trade and Industrial Education IM41 & IM42 Metals Manufacturing Technology I & Metals Manufacturing Technology II BPR 111  & MAC 111  & MAC 151   Print Reading  & Machining Technology I  & Machining Calculations  
Trade and Industrial Education IA31 OR TS21 Digital Media or Scientific & Technical Visualization I DME 110   Introduction to Digital Media  
Trade and Industrial Education II11 Network Engineering Technology I NET 125   Introduction to Networks  
Trade and Industrial Education II12 Network Engineering Technology II NET 125  OR NET 126   Introduction to Networks  OR Switching and Routing  
Trade and Industrial Education TP22 Computer Integrated Manufacturing MAC 121   Introduction to CNC  
Trade and Industrial Education II33 Adobe Video Design DME 140   Introduction to Audio/Video Media  
Trade and Industrial Education II32 Adobe Digital Design DME 120   Introduction to Multimedia Applications  
Trade and Industrial Education IT11 Auto Service TRN 110   Introduction to Transport Technology  

*Local Articulated/Advanced Credit Agreements are in italics. 

Criteria to award college credit

The following criteria shall be used to award college credit for courses identified above.

  1. Grade of B or higher in the course and
  2. A grade of 93 or higher on the end of course Proof of Learning for state wide articulated courses.  For locally articulated courses a grade of 90 or above on an end of course Proof of Learning or Performance Based Measure is required.  This includes * 80 or above on the CISCO final exams or pass an industry standard certification. In order to receive articulated credit, students must enroll at Surry Community College within two years of their high school graduation date.

The official high school transcript and all official standardized CTE post-assessment scores shall be required to verify that the criteria has been met to award credit for articulated course work. A community college advanced placement credit form must be attached to the front of the student’s official high school transcript. This form is available to high school personnel upon request from Surry Community College. Once SCC receives the transcript and form, credit will be awarded and a credit evaluation form will be mailed to the student. Students will receive the appropriate credit hours and a grade of “CR” on their transcripts.

Surry Community College officials shall have responsibility for verifying eligibility and acceptance of the articulated course on the high school transcript for college credit.